
The Difference Between Soft And Hard Skills On Your Resume

When considering a new hire, many hiring managers or recruiters look first to see if that employee has the practical knowledge to do the job. While hard skills are important, companies know that excellent employees have other skills that may be harder to cultivate: soft skills. What’s the difference between the two?

Here’s our guide to these two skillsets.

Soft skills sum up your character and personality traits and provide an overview of what you are like as a person. Where hard skills can typically be learned, many soft skills relate directly to internal emotions.
Hard skills are abilities you learn in school or on the job. Hard skills are also called technical skills, are job-specific, relevant to each position.

Here are some examples of each:

Soft Skills:

  • Self-motivated
  • Honest
  • Driven
  • Flexible
  • Ambitious
  • Hard-working
  • Innovative

Hard Skills:

  • Programming languages
  • Common operating systems
  • Software proficiency
  • Technical writing
  • Project management
  • Data analysis

Carefully considering what skills to include on your resume and cover letter when applying for any job is essential! Don’t miss the opportunity to clearly lay out your soft and hard skills so potential employers can see at a glance whether your application ticks the right boxes.
If you have found yourself in need of a new opportunity, we encourage you to check out our latest openings.

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