

Our 5 Best Resume Tips

Perhaps you have found yourself unemployed, furloughed, or on shaky ground on the job front? First things first: you aren’t alone! In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 30 million people have applied for unemployment in the last two months.

With the economic effects of the pandemic still unfolding daily, it is a good idea to update your resume. We’d like to share our top five tips for writing a resume that gets a recruiter’s or hiring manager’s attention – and helps you land the job.

Check and Check Again

Be sure to spell check, grammar check, and have a friend look over your resume. Often after you’ve stared at a piece of content for an extended time, errors can slip by, and that can be a red flag for a potential employer.

Share Your Professional Profile

One of the biggest challenges when creating your resume is including all of your experience yet keeping it to a reasonable length. While for many industries a one-page limit is suggested, IT resumes can be two to four pages, depending on career longevity. Also, give future employers the chance to get to know you better by including a link to your LinkedIn profile. This is a great way to share work examples and professional recommendations from your network. You can treat your LinkedIn profile as an extension of your resume by including additional experience, skills, and details.

Bonus tip: Be sure to clean up your LinkedIn profile as well as any public social media posts if you think there is anything that could hurt your chances of getting hired.

Get to the Point

When listing your relevant skills, always lead with your most significant strengths, and work down from there.

Be Authentic

Make yourself stand out among the other applicants by writing a captivating professional summary. Tell the recruiter who you are and make them want to keep reading.

Ditch the Unprofessional Email Address

When you are trying to make yourself shine, an email address like might give the wrong impression – unless you are applying at a brewery! Take a few moments to create a professional email address you can list on your resume.

Whether you’re building your resume from scratch or just need to make some minor edits, following these tips will help your resume rise to the top of the pile. If you have found yourself in need of a new opportunity, we encourage you to check out our latest career openings.

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