
Are You Delighted?

At Harbinger, our core values come from two simple words: “Deliver Delight.” It’s how we approach everything we do. Our family-focused culture extends from our owner Scott Grausnick (the Director of Delight) to all our team members, innovative client partners, and talented consultants. We’re not just looking to fill employment gaps with qualified workers. There’s nothing delightful about that. We build relationships with our client partners and consultants and remain in touch with them to make sure they are successful, and yes, delighted.

Here are some thoughts from some of our employee-owners on how Harbinger continues to be delightfully different.

To Kaitlin Mazour Hilgenkamp, consultants are much more than their job history and education. She looks beyond the resume to learn about the person, qualifications, and goals. “I enjoy meeting candidates in person whenever possible. A resume can never paint the full picture of someone’s skill set or what would be fulfilling in the next role. Face-to-face conversations over lunch or coffee are so valuable in building that relationship and understanding what is important to them, personally and professionally.”

Mary Gazich understands that everyone’s situation is unique and that people have busy lives away from work. They’re more than just their job. “Fluid” is the first word that comes to mind when I think about the Harbinger-Partners process, and that is because we truly understand that people are more than a commodity. Our candidates and clients have lives outside of work, so we need to be empathetic, understanding, and flexible at all times. We are sincere about building authentic relationships, and that is the secret to our success!”

Monica Sevenich recognizes the value of honest feedback. It’s a valuable tool to help candidates improve their job-seeking skills. “I have been told by several candidates that they appreciate how we always give them feedback after interviews or submittals. They said that so many firms forget to do this – which frustrates them. I remember applying for jobs right after graduation, and firms never gave me feedback. I try to give my candidates the best experience when working with Harbinger Partners.”

Bigger is not always better. Dan Genovaldi has been on both sides. He worked for large recruiting firms before joining the smaller team at Harbinger. “As a recruiter with almost 20 years of experience and having worked for some of the significantly larger IT staffing organizations, Harbinger set itself apart in a big way. Because Harbinger is a smaller size, we can pay great attention to detail when it comes to the consultants wants and needs. The on-boarding process is clean, swift, and welcoming with a very personal touch. It’s a “welcome to the family” feel.”

We love the dedication and kind words shared by our employee-owners. But words can only go so far. We’d love the opportunity to meet you in person and show you what a difference there is when your business partner strives to deliver delight.

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